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Dispatches - Prose Poems

Love and violence. Beauty and desolation. Jackson’s immense lyric gifts are on full display here, as comfortable with images of sunlight on water as with a man eating from a dumpster. Troubled and troubling, these beautiful poems speak bravely into the winds of history. They ask unanswerable questions, struggle to say something that refuses to be said, but in that failure discover a deeply human and habitable space, something worth living for.  —Mark Cox, author of Readiness




Richard Jackson is the author of 19 books of poetry including Where The Wind Comes From, Broken Horizons and The Heart as Framed: New & Select Poems, and 12 books of essays, interviews, translations and anthologies. He was awarded the Order of Freedom Medal for literary and humanitarian work during the Balkan wars by the President of Slovenia during his work with the Slovene-based Peace and Sarajevo Committees of PEN International. He has received Guggenheim, Fulbright, NEA, NEH, and two Witter-Bynner fellowships, a Prairie Schooner Reader’s Choice Award, and the Crazyhorse prize, and he is the winner of five Pushcart Prizes and has appeared in Best American Poems as well as many other anthologies.

Dispatches - Prose Poems

  • Prose Poems


    Richard Jackson


    89 pages, 4.25"x7", Perfect Bound

    Publication Date: 6/30/22

    Distributed by Ingram

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